Sunday, March 9, 2025


240 lbs. of pot, meth found in drug busts

Ismael Murillo and Eaid Gheith were both arrested on drug charges in two separate traffic stops along I-80 in Nebraska OMAHA, Neb (FOX 42 KPTM) —  Nebraska State Troopers say two different traffic stops along I-80 Thursday netted them hundreds of...

Regulators: Cannabis Deliveries OK Throughout California

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California regulators on Friday said cannabis deliveries can be made anywhere in the state, even in locales that ban the industry. Law enforcement groups and the California League of Cities opposed the move, arguing that deliveries...

Tobacco Powerhouse Altria Officially Invests $1.8 Billion in Cannabis Company Cronos

Tobacco powerhouse Altria has invested $1.8 billion in Canadian cannabis company Cronos Group, the companies announced in a press release on Friday. Under the terms of the deal Altria, the parent company of the Marlboro cigarette brand, will acquire...

Surgeon General: Schedule I Hinders Researching Marijuana

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said the federal government should rethink how it classifies drugs like marijuana Dec. 6, 2018, voicing concern that the plant’s current status as a strictly controlled Schedule I substance inhibits research. Adams, who’s previously expressed...

Former MedMen Employees Bring Class Action Lawsuit Against Cannabis Giant

Cannabis retailer MedMen is facing a class action lawsuit from former employees who say the company has committed multiple violations of labor laws. The suit was filed on November 16 in California Superior Court in Los Angeles against two...

What Trump’s New AG Pick Could Mean for Cannabis

President Donald Trump confirmed on Friday that he plans to nominate William Barr, a Republican lawyer and former Justice Department official, to replace ousted Attorney General Jeff Sessions. What would that mean for cannabis? Barr has already served once as...

Cannabis Meets Curling at Canada’s Inaugural ‘Bongspiel’

A Canadian curling league is set to embrace legalization this winter as it hosts what could be the country’s first-ever Bongspiel. Hosted by the Wiarton & District Curling Club in the Ontario town best known for its prognosticating groundhog, the 420-friendly curling...

Experts Say Cannabis Industry Helped Lower Canada’s Unemployment Rate

According to new data, Canada’s unemployment rate dropped to one of its lowest levels ever last month. Interestingly, the country’s rapidly growing legal cannabis industry played a notable role in this trend. And at this point, it seems likely...

Finding Cannabis in the South of Spain

When I travel, I appreciate seeing how other cultures treat cannabis and how local attitudes and traditions affect the experience. Obviously, this is much more enjoyable in cannabis friendly locations. I had the opportunity to spend some time adventuring through...

A NORML Statement on William Barr as Attorney General Nominee

by NORMLDecember 7, 2018 Washington, DC: Today, President Trump announced his intention to nominate former Attorney General William Barr to be considered by the Senate to replace former Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. “With every move by the Department of Justice facing intense...
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Trump Open to hearing arguments for legal marijuana

Views: 7 At an event for conservative lobbyists and activists, a proponent for legal marijuana says he had a...
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