Sunday, March 9, 2025


State Policy Weekly Update 2/22/2023

Lawmakers in many states are filing marijuana law reform legislation and some sessions are holding hearings. This week’s update highlights legislative developments in California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Mexico,...

Twitter To Allow Some Marijuana Companies To Advertise On Their Site

Twitter has become one of the first major social platforms to allow marijuana advertising in a new turn of events. Just last week, the platform took a large step in what many are calling a new era for weed....

CDC Report: Rates of Current Marijuana Use Among Teens Has Steadily Declined Over Past Decade

The percentage of high school students who report regularly consuming cannabis has fallen steadily over the past decade, according to data provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A newly issued CDC publication, Youth Risk Behavior Survey...

US Senate Committee Advances Bill Facilitating Cannabis Research Among Veterans

Members of the Senate’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee advanced legislation today directing the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to conduct research evaluating the safety and efficacy of cannabis products for veterans suffering from chronic pain and post-traumatic stress. The bipartisan...

Delta-8 Loophole no longer: DEA classifies it as a controlled substance

For a while there, some areas of the US where weed is prohibited had a nice little cheat code to get high. Delta 8, derived from hemp and not listed in the exceptions to the Farm Bill because it...

Virginia: Republican-Led Subcommittee Again Rejects Marijuana Sales Legislation in Party-Line Vote

Republican members of the House General Laws Subcommittee halted any further advancement today of Senate Bill 1133, which sought to initiate retail marijuana sales to adults age 21 and older beginning this July. Though the bill passed the Senate...

State Policy Weekly Update 2/14/2023

Lawmakers in many states have started pre-filing marijuana law reform legislation and some sessions have already begun holding hearings. This week’s update highlights legislative developments in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island,...

Where do things stand with Federal Marijuana legalization?

With all the doom and gloom surrounding most of the marijuana news out there, it may be worthwhile to look ahead and see if we have anything to look forward to in the near future. With Republicans in charge...

NORML Op-ed: President Biden: What Happened to Those Marijuana Pardons You Promised?

It was with great fanfare that the president in October announced plans to provide blanket pardons to all Americans suffering from the stigma of having a federal marijuana possession conviction on their criminal records. “There are thousands of people who have prior...

Texas: San Antonio Voters to Decide on Marijuana Depenalization Ordinance

City officials have certified a municipal initiative depenalizing marijuana possession for the May 6th ballot. Advocates with the group Ground Game Texas collected over 37,000 signatures from municipal voters to qualify the measure for the local ballot. The measure seeks to...
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Trump Open to hearing arguments for legal marijuana

Views: 7 At an event for conservative lobbyists and activists, a proponent for legal marijuana says he had a...
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