Respected Lawyer, Tireless Advocate and Dear Friend.

With sorrow, we share the news of the tragic and unexpected passing of Judd Golden. Judd was a tireless fighter in defense of the constitution. A staunch advocate for marijuana rights.  A lifetime champion of civil rights. A friend.

If you’ve attended a live music event in Colorado, chances are you danced next to Judd. He was a music lover, an attorney who devoted his life to defending our civil liberties, and a kind soul who never failed to have a welcoming smile on his face.

A former Colorado NORML Board Member and head of the Boulder ACLU Chapter, Judd was recognized for his work as a cooperating attorney in CU v. Derdeyn, which found that random drug testing of student-athletes was unconstitutional.

We will remember him as a staunch defender of civil liberties, human rights, and freedom. We in the cannabis communities will also remember his passion, advocacy, and dedication to marijuana reform.

“Judd Golden was a long-time personal friend and NORML activist who headed the NORML efforts in Iowa back in the 1970s, and who continued his support for legalization in recent years in Colorado. He was a bright and committed individual who also worked with ACLU and who cared deeply about civil liberties, and he will be missed. May he rest in peace,” said NORML Founder Keith Stroup.

May his spirit rest in the hearts of those who love him and those who defend freedom.

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