After the second season ended with a fire on his farm, Jim Belushi’s show “Growing Belushi” is back with a bigger season (6 episodes instead of 4) and a storyline about finding a new home for his marijuana business.

Airing on Discovery, there’s a reason to celebrate a show about the growing of marijuana showing up on a streaming service that is more family oriented. And, with an extended season, the show seems to be doing well. Showing the potentially positive way of life that can involve marijuana goes a long way in normalizing the plant for older, more conservative families tuning in.

Jim Belushi explains to CelebStoner just how popular the show has become:

“I’m getting recognized for this show all over the place. It’s used to be According to Jim or K-9, but now it’s like, Wow, people are really [into it]. It is writing and producing and directing and editing and acting, it’s just not a script which is super cool and creative and collaborative. It’s so much fun.”

However, in a rather ironic turn of events, Belushi’s business in Oregon is suffering.

“There are so many grow licenses, they’re producing more than you can sell,” Belushi tells Oregon Live. “It hurts everybody. This is not a gold rush anymore. It’s not like people are making lots of money. The margins are thin, especially with the compressing of the price.”

“Growing Belushi” started airing its third season last Wednesday, April 5. You can catch it every Wednesday at 9 pm ET on Discovery+.

Read the original article at CelebStoner.

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