Farming chickens in the U.S. is a big business. Many farmers across the nation have devoted their time, energy, and resources towards this huge market. As of recently, the animal Advocacy group Mercy for Animals have started their “Transfarmation” project. This project intends to switch farmers from slaughtering animals to growing hemp.

Mercy for Animals in the past has conducted numerous investigations in the agro-industrial complex to expose cruelty towards animals on farms. Their goal is to reduce the amount of animal cruelty in these farms by switching them over to an eco-friendlier crop. The group has become rather successful within the last few years due to recent laws and regulations easing regarding hemp.

One of the farmers whom the group convinced to switch to hemp said, “We decided that we would grow hemp and go from killing animals to growing something, from destroying things to creating things.”. Mercy for Animals president Leah Garces said regarding this farm, “This is the very first successful transformation… There are 12 chicken houses, and they used to house tens of thousands of suffering animals, and now they are going to dry hemp. That is just so beautiful, to see the transformation, the possibilities that can come when people come together and try to find solutions.”

With the firm grip large corporations hold over the chicken and beef market, these small farmers are suffering under heavy work loads and poor conditions. These conditions help push them towards cultivating plant-based products. “More and more farmers are seeking a way out of animal farming. Whether they’re fed up with Big Ag’s exploitative contracts or the poor working conditions, they’ve had enough… At the same time, demand for plant-based ingredients is booming, estimated to grow from $8 trillion USD in 2018 to $13 trillion USD in 2025.” Mercy for Animals said in a public statement.

Mercy for Animals will continue their journey to push more and more farmers into hemp. They have stated that they are not finished, and will continue to work towards less animal cruelty and to create a “better world for us all”.

Read the whole article here.

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