by Kevin Mahmalji, NORML Outreach DirectorJuly 3, 2019

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Every day NORML Chapters from around the country invest countless hours in advocating for meaningful marijuana law reforms on the local, state and federal level! Below is a brief rundown of some of their most recent accomplishments.

NORML Announces Plans for 2019 Conference and Lobby Day 

“This September, we invite you to join NORML members from across America to learn effective strategies, hear the latest scientific and political advancements, and meet in person with influential members of Congress.”

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Rochester NORML Publishes Report to Highlight Arrest Rates for Marijuana Offenses

“A local marijuana advocacy group in Rochester, NORML, and other community groups released a report that found Monroe County had the fifth-highest arrest rates for low-level marijuana-related offenses in the state, outside of New York City.”

Read More from 10 WHEC!

Virginia NORML Continues Push to Expand Access Through Education  

“Virginia NORML is trying to make this search easier for patients. In order to register for Virginia’s medical cannabis program, patients must first receive a written certification from a registered physician. They have created a physician’s directory of doctors registered with the board of pharmacy to recommend medical cannabis.”

Read more from News Leader!

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NORML Leaders in the Media

Ashley Weber, Executive Director, Colorado NORML 

“Adding a condition for which a physician could recommend medical marijuana instead of an opioid is a safer pain management tool that will be useful for both our doctors and patients.”

Read more from The Fix

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Chris Goldstein, Executive Director, South Philly NORML 

“A nightmare scenario come to life.”

Read more from The Morning Call!

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Christine Kramar, Board Member, Nevada NORML 

“If you are effectively using marijuana, you will be at a leveling point; you are not high.

Read more from the Reno Gazette Journal!

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Dale Geringer, Executive Director, California NORML

“This is really a Los Angeles phenomenon … I can’t tell you where there would be an unlicensed dispensary operating in Oakland or San Francisco.”

Read more from California City News

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Dan Linn, Executive Director, Illinois NORML 

“It’s an extension of Jim Crow and it disproportionately impacted communities of color. It saddled minorities with arrest records and in some cases felonies that prevented them from going to college or getting a job.”

Read more from!

“Cannabis criminalization in Illinois is coming to an end. While this bill isn’t perfect, it does provide a pathway for adults to legally obtain and consume cannabis. It also expands access and rights for qualified medical patients. Importantly, the bill provides much needed relief to those most harmed by the legacy of prohibition.”

Read more from Washington Blade

“Consumers who already have access will probably decide to continue to purchase it illegally above that $60 amount.”

Read more from Chicago Sun Times

“After a few years, when the tolerance level towards cannabis consumption in general is a little more accepting, you might be able to find the General Assembly having enough votes to pass something that does have a specific license that the state would be awarding to these types of businesses.”

Read more from Chicago Sun Times! 

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Dan Viets, Executive Director, Missouri NORML 

“Because marijuana is still illegal under federal statutes, many banks are reluctant to offer loans for a medical marijuana business, though it’s possible to get loans from private individuals.”

Read more from the Bonner County Daily Bee

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Dante Townsend, Founder, Chicago NORML 

“A lot of these neighborhoods that have the potential of being gentrified are going to be flooded with dispensaries and then when it comes time for other applicants, specifically the social equity applicants, to look for a location or get started, they won’t have anywhere to go.”

Read more from Chicago Sun Times

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Edie Moore, Executive Director, Chicago NORML 

“It still won’t be legal to sell or smoke on the street. We have to educate our community so they’re not running into overzealous cops looking to bust people for breaking the law.”

Read more from the Chicago Tribune!

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Jason Klimek, Political Director, Rochester NORML 

“Not legalizing really isn’t where we want to be as an organization and as a state.”

Read more from Spectrum News

“I think it just came down to the wire, and one of the real issues is a hastily drafted bill is ready for abuse,” he says. “We would rather take the time, then try to push something through.” 

Read more from 13 WHAM

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Jenn Michelle Pedini, Executive Director, Virginia NORML

“This really moves this important issue to the front burner of Virginia politics.” 

Read more from The Washington Post

“Virginia NORML is dedicated to ensuring and expanding patient access.”

Read more from News Leader!

“The public’s response to Attorney General Herring’s statement not only supporting decriminalizing but legalizing and regulating adult use of marijuana has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Read more from 13 News Now

“It’s always important for an issue to have strong support within the administration.”

Read more from WHSV – TV3!

“Public support for meaningful reform is at an all time high, and candidates on the 2019 campaign trail are talking about marijuana more than ever.”

Read more from the Daily Press!

“In the past, we’ve had conversations focused around policy, now we can have a public conversation about the real implications.”

Read more from Southside Daily!

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Jessica Struzik, Secretary, Northern Wisconsin NORML

“A dispensary is needed for anyone who can’t grow their own. I wouldn’t want to see a child smoking marijuana and we should, as adults keep it away from them. But that doesn’t mean keeping it away from other grown adults.”

Read more from the Eagle Herald! 

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Justin See, Communication Director, Indiana NORML 

“If Indiana’s elected officials insist on continuing to criminalize cannabis use, law enforcement is going to have a lot of work on their hands when Illinois implements legal sale.”

Read more from Indy Politics

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Karen Goldstein, Executive Director, NORML of Florida 

“It will definitely stifle our voice, there’s no question.”

Read more from Talking Points Memo

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Madisen Saglibene, Executive Director, Nevada NORML 

“It was one of those things where we were meeting with legislators and they were like, Absolutely not. We are not taking away employers’ right to hire who they want.”

Read more from Vice

“We’re very pleased. This isn’t the end-all-be-all but this is absolutely a step in the right direction.”

Read more from The Business Journal

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Madeline Martinez, Executive Director, Oregon NORML 

“If you have a record as a black market grower or distributor, you haven’t hurt anyone. But there are bad actors.”

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Mary Kruger, Executive Director, Rochester NORML

“This decriminalization doesn’t even address or touch on all the collateral consequences that come along with a misdemeanor prosecution.”

Read more from 10 WHEC!

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Matthew Abel, Executive Director, Michigan NORML

“Expunging pot-related offenses would give them opportunities to get involved in the business aspect of this system.”

Read more from Detroit Metro Times!   

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Michael Minardi, General Counsel, NORML of Florida

“This next month is huge for us to get to Supreme Court review, with plenty of time to pass review.”

Read more from Florida Politics

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Paul Kirchberg, Executive Director, Connecticut NORML 

“It’s very liberating here to be among other people in the cannabis industry, to be in a large venue like MassMutual and be able to be free of any prosecution or persecution. We hope Connecticut will follow suit quickly.”

Read more from The Middletown Press

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Penelope Crescibene, Board Member, Western New York NORML

“For my medical needs I probably wouldn’t need more than six plants a year of even a small yield, like less than a pound. But I’ve heard from other medical patients who say there’s no way six plants would get them there because of the pain they’re in.”

Read more from The Buffalo News

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Steven Faber, Executive Director, Mid-Missouri NORML

“It will at least allow a dispensary somewhere to be able to locate in the downtown area.”

Read more from the Daily Columbia Tribune

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Steve VanDeWalle, Deputy Director, Rochester NORML

“It is imperative that a significant amount of the revenue that comes from legalized marijuana go back into the communities impacted most by the war on drugs.”

Read more from the Daily Messenger

“She agreed to work with us further to make this an automatic process because these people who are convicted of low-level marijuana crimes, this should not be a reactive process.”

Read more from Rochester First

“This is objectively the best and most comprehensive cannabis bill in the country.”

Read more from 13 WHAM!

“It is imperative that a significant amount of the revenue that comes from legalized marijuana go back into the communities impacted most by the war on drugs.”

Read more from 10 WHEC!

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Tina Ullman, Development Director, Las Vegas NORML 

“Nevada voters did vote for recreational cannabis two years ago, and we ask that it be treated just like alcohol in question two, and that’s what we’re still asking today.”

Read more from Fox News

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Troy Smit, Deputy Director, Empire State NORML 

“Never in my nearly ten-year history with the chapter have I ever been more hopeful about our chances of legalizing the responsible adult use of cannabis in New York.”

Read more from Forbes!

“If they come out with [another version], it’s almost guaranteed that it’s going to pass. I’d say it’s like an 80 percent chance because of just how committed the Gov. is in the media.”

Read more from Cheddar!

“Betrayal by the Democratic caucus that blocked this measure.”

Read more from Cheddar! 

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For more than 45 years NORML chapters have been the driving force behind policy decisions on the local and state level. Have you connected with your local NORML chapter? If there isn’t one in your community, please email NORML Outreach Director Kevin Mahmalji at for help with starting your own!

Ready to start a NORML chapter in your hometown? Click here to find out how!

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