• by Erik Altieri, NORML Executive Director December 30, 2019

    2019 has been an unprecedented year for the passage of state-level marijuana law reforms and when we zoom out, it’s remarkable to reflect upon what we have accomplished. 

    That is why are proud to publish Marijuana Reform Is Normal, which is the only comprehensive report detailing all of our collective victories in 2019. 

    Click here to read the report or download the presentation PDF

    As documented in this report, legislators across the country approved a litany of new marijuana legislation this year addressing a wide spectrum of issues. Now, nearly 1 in 4 Americans reside in a jurisdiction where the adult use of cannabis is legal, and 33 states regulate medical marijuana access.

    Public opinion continues to grow in support of ending marijuana prohibition, with two-thirds of adults — including majorities of self-identified Democrats, Republicans, and independents — now in favor of making the plant legal. Alongside growing public support, politicians, including those at some of the highest levels of government, are now recognizing the rapidly changing cultural and legal status of cannabis.

    We will be sending this report to state and federal lawmakers around the country. If you can, please chip in $10 or more to help cover the printing costs.

    After this historically successful year, we expect to see public and political support continue to increase in 2020 as more and more states implement sensible cannabis regulatory policies. But we can only do that if we continue to educate and build public support. 

    Click here to share the 2019 Marijuana Reform Is Normal report on Facebook

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    Together, we’re going to continue to accomplish great things. We deeply appreciate your support and hard work as we inch closer to cannabis freedom nationwide. 



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