by Rick Steves, NORML Board Member February 25, 2019

Rick Steves - NORML Board MemberIn 2012, I was proud to help fund and promote the passage of I-502 which legalized, taxed, and regulated marijuana in my home state of Washington. Now, seven years later, I’m delighted to see more and more politicians, not just on the West coast, stepping up to address marijuana policy reform and fighting to uphold the civil liberty of adults who enjoy smoking pot responsibly.

It’s time our state lawmakers comport Washington law with those of other states that regulate the adult use of marijuana — all of which allow adults to grow limited quantities of cannabis in private. Legislation is currently stalled in the House and Senate to allow adults to cultivate up to six marijuana plants in their homes. I support the passage of this language and the liberty for all adults to have this option.

Granting the right to home cultivation gives more power to the consumer and ensures the safe, convenient, and affordable access to marijuana for all. But, even more simply, it just makes sense.

Join me today in supporting the freedom for every cannabis consumer to have the right to cultivate marijuana in the home.

Send a message to your lawmakers now, and demand they support home cultivation rights.

Thank you for joining me in this exercise in democracy,

Rick Steves

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