by Jax Finkel, Texas NORML Executive Director March 4, 2019

In the Texas State Capitol Building, dozens of patients joined us to ask their legislators to coauthor legislation that makes the Texas Compassionate Use Program more inclusive and effective. HB 1365 (authored by Rep Lucio, III) and SB90 (authored by Sen Menendez) would allow patients with debilitating conditions access to medical cannabis to therapeutically treat the symptoms of their condition.

Ask your legislators to coauthor HB 1365 and SB 90 now!

Patients met up to learn from our briefing about how the legislative process works, a review of our priority legislation, and an overview of messaging and crafting testimony. Patients then broke out into groups by district and went to visit their legislative offices. Many patients also stayed to register their support of HB 63, which would reduce possession of one ounce to a small, civil fine.

Make a donation to support our work at the legislature!

We will be posting live updates from the HB 63: Civil Penalty hearing today. Stay tuned to watch the hearing. We will also keep you posted on the progress of these medical bills.

View pictures from the event!

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