by Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director May 14, 2019

Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee has signed legislation, Senate Bill 5605, facilitating the expungement of past low-level marijuana convictions.

The measure states: “Every person convicted of a misdemeanor marijuana offenses, who was 21 years of age or older at the time of the offense, may apply to the sentencing court for a vacation of the applicant’s record of conviction for the offense. … If an applicant qualifies under this subsection, the court shall vacate the record of conviction.”

Governor Inslee said: “This is a matter of fairness and justice. We should not be punishing people for something that is no longer illegal in this state.”

The new law takes effect on July 27, 2019.

Additional information on pending marijuana legislation is available from NORML’s ‘Take Action Center’ here.

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